The Carnival - New York

The Carnival

New York, United States

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You and your friends snuck into the carnival for an hour of fun. You have 60 minutes before the guard comes back...can you make it out without getting caught?

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Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 516 888-0202

922 Hempstead Turnpike Franklin Square

Killer Countdown - New York

Killer Countdown

New York, United States

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You were on your way home last night and the last thing you remember is feeling dizzy. When you finally wake up you are in this room and it's clear that your

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Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 516 888-0202

40-18 Bell Blvd, 3rd Floor

The Unsolved Case - New York

The Unsolved Case

New York, United States

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THE UNSOLVED CASE: Dueling Rooms ​ You and your family were the victims of a crime. If there isn't enough evidence found against the suspect he will be

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 516 888-0202

922 Hempstead Turnpike Franklin Square

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